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Certaines truites font de la voltige. 

Les truites parfois, nous donnent du fil à retordre. Elles sautent, passent en dessous des racines et font des rushs endiablés.

8 réflexions au sujet de « Certaines truites font de la voltige.  »

  1. hey

    cool blog 🙂 will give it a follow and a like !

  2. hey

    lovely blog hope all is well
    happy blogging.

  3. Great Read Can i leave my thoughts ?! –

    Thanks for reading , Love The Blog !!
    Thanks – TheDogGod –

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    Thanks- Jason

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  6. hey

    lovely blog hope all is well
    happy blogging.

  7. hey

    cool blog 🙂 will give it a follow and a like !

  8. hey

    cool blog 🙂 will give it a follow and a like !

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